💊 Did you know that you have a choice to drink the glucose for your gestational diabetes test when you are pregnant?
This glucose “drink” contains things like: ❌ Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) which is a FLAME RETARDANT 🔥, and BANNED in Europe and Japan ❌ BVO contains Bromine which is known to cause thyroid dysfunction, has been associated with heart lesions, liver dysfunction, impaired growth and behavioral development, and neurological and fertility issues! ❌ Other ingredients include: artificial flavors and colors, and high fructose GMO corn syrup You have other options mama! Be empowered ❤️Here are some better alternatives: 🤰🏻Hemoglobin A1C test- simple blood test done in your first trimester to assess your risk for gestational diabetes 🤰🏻EAT WELL 🥕🥒 🥑 and do random glucose testing which you can do yourself at home with a simple finger prick 🤰🏻”The Jelly Bean Test” Where you swap the drink out for 28 jelly beans, which provides the 50 grams of sugar required for the traditional test. Be sure to get organic, NON-GMO and naturally-colored jelly beans 🍭 There is absolutely NO reason for you to need to drink this toxic chemical cocktail 🙅🏻 Now that you’re informed, you can better protect you and sweet baby 👶🏼 If you know a pregnant mama 🤰🏻 please tag her in this and let her know SHE 👏🏻 HAS 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 CHOICE 👏🏻 **Edited to add: Not ALL formulations contain BVO. However that doesn't erase the other toxic ingredients. I am in no way telling you not to do the test for gestational diabetes. I AM telling you you have a CHOICE what goes in your body, and that there are SAFE alternatives!** What is BVO? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brominated_vegetable_oil What is bromine? https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Dibromine#section=Top BVO's label of GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA was removed in 1970 and it was taken off the market, only 7 years later to be reintroduced in soft drinks and put on "interim" status where it still stands. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?FR=180.30 Toxic effects of brominated vegetable oil in rats: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0
The placenta is the organ that surrounds the #fetus in the #womb and allows for the exchange of nutrients, blood, and waste with the mother. It is expelled from the uterus after the birth of the child. The custom of consuming the placenta, often done as placental encapsulation, is centuries old, practiced most often in Chinese medicine.
Benefits would include: Restoration of iron levels in the blood. Increase in milk production. Increased energy. Increased release of the hormone #oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to normal size and encourages bonding with the infant. Contact us today if you would like to become a womb warrior and reap the benefits of #placentaencapsulation #armywife #miltaryspouses #doulalife #ftbragg #pinehurst #sandhills #fayettevillenc #ftbraggMBRN #doulasupport #pregnancy #bumpday #southernpinesnc #cameronnc #sanfordnc #postpartumsupport #birthsupport #fitness #momnetwork #breastfeeding #treeoflife #earthbounddoulasNC #lactationsupport #pregnancy #bumpday #mamaste #birthsupport #babyplanning #carync #chinesemedicine #wombcare #placentapower Looking for information about fitness or learning more about healthy calorie counting with nutrition?
Here’s some links below that can help: www.Fitday.com: on-line tracking site www.411fit.com: on-line tracking site www.myfitnesspal.com: on-line tracking site www.Choosemyplate.gov: great reference for food groups www.Calorieking.com: reference for restaurant calorie counts www.nutrition.gov: great resource for dietary guidelines, shopping tips, and cooking Come be apart of our New Year, New Momma FB wellness support group! Click here to join: https://m.facebook.com/groups/826386990734627 . . #armywife #miltaryspouses #doulalife #ftbragg #pinehurst #sandhills #fayettevillenc #ftbraggMBRN #doulasupport #pregnancy #bumpday #southernpinesnc #cameronnc #sanfordnc #postpartumsupport #birthsupport #fitness #momnetwork #breastfeeding #treeoflife #earthbounddoulasNC #lactationsupport #armylife #pregnancy #mamastefit #mamaste #birthsupport #babyplanning #carync #placentaencapsulation Were gearing up for Spring & Summer!!!
www.ncfarmfresh.com PASTURE RAISED-“where it eats” -Can be grain and grass fed -Free to Roam -Organic -No antibiotics -No hormones -Better nutritional Profiles CERTIFIED PASTURE RAISED-Free access to outdoors, 1000 birds/2.5acres GRASS FED- “what it eats” -Little to NO grain -Spend significant time outdoors -May be grain finished, 100% grass fed label is only guarantee FREE RANGE-Must have outdoor access but can be just a ‘pop hole’ and no full body outdoor exposure, clipped (birds) CERTIFIED HUMANE FREE RANGE-Must be outdoor 6+hrs a day CAGE FREE-no small confinements, can be larger confinements, no sun, clipped (birds) EGGS Regular: -Caged -No Sun -Clipped Certified Organic: -Organic Feed -Larger Cages -Partial Sun exposure -No Antibiotics -No Hormones -Clipped Organic Vegetarian: -Not a natural diet -Partially caged -Partial sun -Clipped Omega 3s: -Feed is enrich with omega3 (flaxseed) -not natural diet White vs Brown: NO DIFFRENCE other than the hen that laid the egg Grain is high in corn, soy, pesticides, cottonseed by-products,toxic metals. Not a natural diet, can cause bloat which is then treated with pharmaceuticals. CSA: Community Supported Agriculture-A community of individuals who pledge to support local farms by purchasing farm shares. They Share funds collected in advance to cover anticipated cost of the farmers operation (supplies, equipment, labor) In return, members enjoy a share of the farmers products throughout the season DAIRY: **Minerva Dairy (Amish): No GMO, No rBST, No antibiotic, vegetarian, Pasture Raised, no additivies -Bulk orders allowed for co-ops: Delivery available Sept-May Farm to Home Milk What to Ask at a farmers market: -Did you grown this? -How do you manage Pests? -How do you grow such pretty produce with out pesticides? -What types of organic products do you use? . .Mamaste, Natasha Baker,CD/PCD(DONA),RYT . . #armywife #miltaryspouses #doulalife #ftbragg #pinehurst #sandhills #fayettevillenc #ftbraggMBRN #doulasupport #pregnancy #bumpday #southernpinesnc #cameronnc #sanfordnc #postpartumsupport #birthsupport #fitness #momnetwork #breastfeeding #treeoflife #earthbounddoulasNC #lactationsupport #armylife #pregnancy With #love all things are possible 💕
When the whole world falls, you must stand as a lighthouse. When there comes a great, great destructive typhoon of temptation hate and division. We must come in union to unify, empower, inspire to ignite our power as women. There is only one problem: If you do not trust your powers, you cant grow. There is no difference between you and God. Be #humble. Count your blessings. Be proud of yourself. Make your children, friends and neighbors proud of you. Let your touch be the Master's Touch. Serve the Age of Aquarius. Keep up and God will keep you up. Trust it. Stop looking down at yourself. Feel God within. There is no God outside of you. . .Mamaste, Natasha Baker,CD/PCD(DONA),RYT #iam #armywife #miltaryspouses #doulalife #ftbragg #pinehurst #sandhills #fayettevillenc #ftbraggMBRN #doulasupport #pregnancy #bumpday #southernpinesnc #cameronnc #sanfordnc #postpartumsupport #birthsupport #fitness #momnetwork #breastfeeding #treeoflife #earthbounddoulasNC #lactationsupport #armylife #pregnancy #mamastefit #mamaste #birthsupport #babyplanning #carync #placentaencapsulation PSA: I keep seeing people concerned about the Flu...here are a few practical things you can do to protect you and your family❤️
😴Sleep early and Long....Rest 🍲Drink Bone Broth ...this helps you get over sickness faster 🌿Take Probiotics 🥕🍊🥑Cut out Sugar...it lowers your immune system! 🥛Stay hydrated...lots and lots of Water! 🤹Alkalinize ☉🕶Get Vitamin D preferably through sunshine 💨Breathe Deeply....your lungs will thank you! 🚵⛹💃🕺Move your Body....even stretching is beneficial 🖑💦Wash your hands thoroughly....fingertips, between fingers and palms harbor the most germs! 💦👍Bathe in minerals....epsom salt baths do wonders for the body mind and soul 👔👣See your chiropractor or Reiki...at the very least massage your feet touching those vita flex points. 💓🌱🌲Diffuse essential oils that support immune health such as Thieves, Clove, Eucalyptus, Oregano etc Roll these oils on the bottom of your feet and along the spine! Always be sure to dilute in a carrier oil! 🍄🥑🥖🍈Make sure your arsenal is fully stocked with Essential oils, oscillo, elderberry syrup, vitamin C, zinc, food grade activated charcoal, and garlic. 👃Prep a Neti pot and salt 🙏Pray or meditate finding your center and strength in God 👍👏Finally, cultivate the belief that sometimes illness plays a part in greater healing....you have an immune system for such a time as this! Be well, Mamas! Mamaste, Natasha Baker,CD,PCD(DONA),RYT . . #armywife #miltaryspouses #doulalife #ftbragg #pinehurst #sandhills #fayettevillenc #ftbraggMBRN #doulasupport #pregnancy #bumpday #southernpinesnc #cameronnc #sanfordnc #postpartumsupport #birthsupport #fitness #momnetwork #breastfeeding #treeoflife #earthbounddoulasNC #lactationsupport #armylife #pregnancy #mamastefit #mamaste #birthsupport #babyplanning #carync #placentaencapsulation •Creating A Positive Picture Of YOUR Pregnancy & Birth Starts with us!
First things first, lets start with banishing fear. •Sit is easy pose, with your eyes closed and rolled upward, and extend your arms out to the side, parallel to the ground. •Close your hands , bringing the finger tips only to the base of your palm, thumbs up. • Keep your spine straight and your chin slightly tucked. •Inhale and bring your thumbs to your shoulders, returning your hands to the original position with and exhale. •Go as fast as you can and don’t let your thumbs touch your shoulders. •Continue with powerful breathing for two minutes to stimulate your pituitary gland. Work up to seven minutes. If you’d like to experience more knowledge about pregnancy, birth or pre/postnatal yoga, please come join Natasha Baker, Sunday’s @hotasana West End in Pinehurst from 4-5pm! . . #armywife #miltaryspouses #doulalife #ftbragg #pinehurst #sandhills #fayettevillenc #ftbraggMBRN #doulasupport #pregnancy #bumpday #southernpinesnc #cameronnc #sanfordnc #postpartumsupport #birthsupport #fitness #momnetwork #breastfeeding #treeoflife #earthbounddoulasNC #lactationsupport #armylife #pregnancy #bumpday #mamastefit #mamaste #birthsupport #babyplanning #carync #placentaencapsulation #strongasamother #motherhustler Teaching and practicing baby sign language also can be fun and give you and your child and opportunity to bond. Limited research suggests that baby sign language might give a typically developing child a way to communicate several months earlier than those who only use vocal communication.
Studies report the emotional benefits of signing, including- •Parents and children that sign report feeling closer and more tuned in to each other. •Babies that sign have fewer moments of distress. •Parents report feeling better about themselves and more confident about parenting. |
AuthorNatasha has 18 years of experience working with birthing and postpartum mothers. She is well versed and rounded with experience in holistic wellness and integrative medicine. Natasha focus is to treat the body as whole instead of a symptom. Archives
February 2025