Happy BIRTHday to these two babes whom came #Earthbound double time on 8/31 😝🎂🎉🎈
Lets talk Anatomy. The placenta (Greek, plakuos = flat cake) The placenta is composed of three layers. The innermost placental layer surrounding the fetus is called the amnion. The allantois is the middle layer of the placenta (derived from the embryonic hindgut); blood vessels originating from the umbilicus traverse membrane. The placenta functions as a fetomaternal organ with two components: the fetal placenta (Chorion frondosum), which develops from the same blastocyst that forms the fetus, and the maternal placenta (Decidua basalis), which develops from the maternal uterine tissue. In the picture shown of the two placenta’s were the owners of twins. (💙Boy & girl💝) twins that develop in separate sacs surrounded by two separate chorions are considered dichorionic. The prefix "di" indicates two. All dizygotic, or fraternal, twins are dichorionic. Twins that are dichorionic are by definition also diamniotic, since each amniotic sac has its own outer membrane.
Labor pains and giving birth is the most difficult stage of pregnancy but these soothing pressure points provide labor pain relief and promote smooth delivery.
There are six major acupressure points on the body that are believed to induce labor in Chinese Medicine. Spleen 6 point. The spleen 6 point (SP6) is considered one of the more versatile and commonly used points. Bladder 60 point. Pericardium 8 point. Bladder 67 point. Large intestine 4 point. Bladder 32 point. Acupressure Points To Induce Labor: Spleen 6 Point (Sanyinjiao) Pericardium 8 Point (Laogong) Bladder 32 Point (Ciliao) Bladder 67 Point (Zhiyin) Large Intestine 4 Point (Hoku) Kidney 1 Point (Yong Quan) Gallbladder 21 Point (Jian Jing) Liver 3 Point (Tai Chong) Its World Breastfeeding Week!! Lets celebrated together by tagging us on IG or FB in your breastfeeding journey from August 1-7.
We all can encourage breastfeeding women with support and positivity to improve the health of babies around the world. Breastfeeding promotes better health for mothers and children alike. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding starting within one hour after birth until a baby is 6 months old. Be well mama, be you! -NB |
AuthorNatasha has 18 years of experience working with birthing and postpartum mothers. She is well versed and rounded with experience in holistic wellness and integrative medicine. Natasha focus is to treat the body as whole instead of a symptom. Archives
February 2025