Yes, its an actual term for what so many Breastfeeding~ Cosleeping moms have been doing all around the world!
So, breastfeeding itself, has so many benefits and rewards! It is such a natural process, one our bodies are designed to accomplish. Only 5% of woman cannot physically breastfeed.. It might be challenging and take some patience, but it can be one of the most important and rewarding bond for both baby and mom. Its quite convenient, always there, nothing to carry around, the best cure for any upset or ouchie, always the right temperature, its FREE!! your body is going to make it, based on demand. No nipple confusion, or never ending milk/continuous flow that causes baby to drink passed their consumption point, causing more spit ups and gas issues, colic, sleepless nights, etc. Most moms can breastfeed without any issues, others might have to consult a lactation consultant for tips and suggestions for common issues related to breastfeeding. Breastmilk is the easiest to digest and provides more than can ever be replicated. Breastfed babies have less gas and digestive issues. Breastmilk is created specifically for that baby and its needs at any given moment. Not just antibodies and immune boosters, but the nutritional composition that its developing body needs. A child that was not breastfed will not develop to the same potentiality as a child that was given breastmilk. Cosleeping, or bedsharing, is a norm in most parts of the world, we somehow have gotten into this idea, that the baby should have its own room and space away from parents. This idea is considered cruel in cultures who bedshare. The newborn baby knows only of its mother. Her sounds, smells, and warmth. She is all the infant knows and what its genetically designed to stay very close to, for survival. The child is prewired to feel anxiety and stress if only a few feet away! The baby knows it is reliant on mom for survival, so when separated, its natural reaction would be to cry until it feels the comfort and security of mom. Being close to baby allows for a gentle hand when startled or jumpy, along with the ability to feel the slightest movements and noises, allowing you to settle baby before the baby becomes fully awake. The snuggles and comfort of having mom at an arms reach is in itself enough to soothe an infant, much less an anxious new mom. The emotional connection from being able to gaze and engage your baby is immeasurable. However, we do know that the babys heartbeat, breathing and temperature all regulate to moms when skin to skin. When breastsleeping, neither wakes for feedings, baby usually will navigate to the breast, when hungry, and mom reactively adjusts and situates baby until they can both fall back asleep. Side-lying is the easiest way to achieve this, however sleeping with baby on your chest or cradled are also great for smaller babies. Breastsleeping, is one of the best things I did with my 3rd child, without even knowing I was doing it.. Some of the best sleep, best little squeaks and cute faces, I would have otherwise missed.. Breastsleeping offers the best of the most important parts of being a mom. The security, bonding and nurturing aspect of cosleeping while providing the very best nutrition and made to order ingredients of breastmilk. I encourage safe bedsharing practices and under no circumstance be under the influence while breastfeeding or cosleeping, however when practiced safely, they go hand and hand, and naturally work together in unison. Boni Weller, DONA Trained Birth Doula
“My partner will be with me. Why do I need a doula?” Doulas hear this often. Let it be known that a mom in labor benefits from having her partner with her. Even more so if her and her partner have attended child birth classes and had training with a doula. Solets just take a minute and talk about how a partner and a doula work together.
First, lets do a quick summary of the things a doula can do for the laboring mom (There are many!). A doula can hold space for a birthing mom. She can provide support and help connect you with local resources. A doula can be a literal “best friend”. She can be a calm and gentle guide along a path that is new to you but very loved and familiar to her. She helps with comfort techniques, pain control, and positioning. Just to name a few. Now lets talk about how the presence of a doula can benefit the partner. • The partner will be able to focus on just loving the birthing mom and being her partner. Their relationship and his/her presence matters (even if it’s just holding her hand) is a huge comfort to the birthing mom. • The partner can take breaks! Birth takes time. The partner needs food and bathroom breaks too. But often birthing moms do not want to be left alone and partners do not want to leave the mom alone. So the doula and the partner can work together allowing each other to rest, eat, and fulfill their own needs while still having someone with mom at all times. • The partner doesn’t have to remember everything! Yes, an involved partner is usually incredibly knowledgeable. But as labor gets to moving along and picks up, you do not want your partner searching and trying to remember the right technique, do you? Do you want him/her stressing out over that? The doula is trained to remember. At Earthbound Doulas LLC we can call on a supportive network of fellow doulas if we have a question. • Having a doula allows the partner to feel less pressure. He does not have to fulfill all the roles of protecting, “coaching”, or guiding the birth. He/She can do what they do best… love mom and he/she can do it stress-free, because your doula is there to fill in the gaps. • I as a doula am known for gently pushing partners out of their comfort zones (they thank me later!) so that they can have a full birth experience with mom. As well as to not be afraid of their baby and to begin bonding. I believe the partner should always be part of choosing the doula. As a matter of fact, I always request that the partner be present at our interview if possible. As well as at as many of our pre-natal appointments together as possible. A birthing mom can never have too much incredible support. But she is not the only one who needs support..her partner does too! Remember…Doulas are for partners too! By: Terry Rambeaut ‘‘Tis was the week before midwifery and all through Baby+Co. was empty rooms waiting for a mommy in tow.
When all through the house Not a creature was stirring Not even a bloody show. The rooms all stocked up ready for a baby doe. As they were nestled All safe in their beds While visions of crowning vagina’s Danced in their heads. On call they waited with care in hopes a laboring mother would soon be there. Meanwhile Mandesa in her kerchief And Jauleah in her cap, Had just settled down For a long autumn’s nap When out on the lawn A ruptured membrane And arose such a bladder They all sprang from their beds To see what was the matter Away to the window they flew like a flash Tore open the shutters And threw up the sash With a little ol driver So lively and quick They knew in a moment They gotta be slick More rapid than eagles The radio call came in Then within the hour A stampede of mother’s came wandering in Strong with might But so much power Jauleah whistled And shouted And called Them by name.... Now Mandesa Now Angela Now Betsy Now Mary On Beth On Karen On Alexa And Maddy.... To the Birth Center We Go!!! Grab your broom sticks and dash-away Dash-away Dash-away all As dry leaves Before the wild Hurricane fly When they meet With an obstacle Mount to the sky So up To the housetop The courses They flew With their sticks full of Tricks Cervix checks And membrane sweeps And then In cinch Down the hall you heard such a splatter And ran to see what was the matter As I drew in my head And was turning around This cervix was dilating And before I could blink, I saw the head crowning and that did the trick! Out he came dressed All in vernix From his head To his foot Dressed in his birthday suit with a smile He was covered with sparkle With a slippery sticky goo Abound they rejoiced of a bundle of boy That the mum later flung Onto her chest As we all looked Like a peddler I’m so much Awe born in the ‘caul’ That momentnever forgotten But ever so raw! There His eyes How they twinkled His dimples how merry His cheeks Were like roses His nose like a cherry He was chubby and plump Like a ripe and jolly old little elf I laughed when I saw him In spite of myself Midwifery is deep Midwifery is Empowering Midwifery was once lost to inductions and surgeries But now a standing village of women by many we’re bringing it back to our roots. We now free stand ever so strong Where it is the norm to find a room full of women united When birthing is normal and serving with honor, respect and dignity. It’s where you can be loved unconditionally and not under the condition of judgement. It’s all natural and about options to know you are safe and like family. Through and through, it is to be so contagiously in love with birth through every season that it seeps through the tree of life for generations.... THIS IS MIDWIFERY.... Creating one word to describe Midwifery: Sacrifice Time Sleep Nurturing Kindness Loving Innate Biological Passion Positive Challenging Wonderful Wonder women Empowering Strong Knowledgeable Advocate Supportive Smart Natural Steadfast Need I say more? The list can go on... Midwives for days... Midwives for President! Midwives change the world, one cervix and birth at a time! Getcha one! Mamaste, Natasha Baker,CD/PCD(DONA),RYT From the day of conception, I knew you were on your way. I knew you would be my boy. I knew how much we already connected through dreams and how much we would love each other. With every cell and heart string within me.. From every growth milestone, to listening in on my body system steadily at work to protect and harbor to nourish you. From the tiny kicks to the hiccups and night time parties at 3am, my body and mind were preparing and growing more in love with you. Then as the days became closer and shorter, my mind became restless, my fears became present and my body not only grew round, but became slower. From walking, sitting, standing, to sleeping, everything hurt or seem so difficult. I felt like time seemed so minuscule, and the finish line seemed so far fetched. But I knew you and my body were simultaneously transitioning for your debut and you obviously liked your home within me. But with each breath, contraction and push brought us closer in union. It's was a Saturday night, January 28th, 2017 at 11:17pm you came 'Earthbound'.
There you were weighing in at 8lbs2oz and 21inches long in this big crazy world. From your whaling cry, to your chubby cheeks and wrinkly hands, I was in awe! I still can't believe your life and what our bodies (women) are capable of! We build bones, eyeballs and brains and that's POWERFUL magic! BIRTH always amazes me and seems so surreal even when I am supporting other women. Your birth still plays back in my mind and all my children's BIRTHdays will as they do for every Womens. As much as I hoped for a positive home transition, you decided for the next 7 weeks that this world was too stimulating and overwhelming for you. But mommy and daddy understood and stayed patient. We knew these things take time and would t happen over night. So we kissed, held and held you tight with our beating hearts loving you so hard. This wasn't easy adjusting to a new life realm and leaving your home where you resided for 274 days. That time frame may have seemed short to some, but big for any tiny human. These 8months of your life earthside you have been my wise little teacher. I've realized that if I blink too fast you will be a grown man and I may miss out. So each day that begins and ends, I've promised to embrace your whole being. To feel and smell your baby skin still raises my oxytocin levels. The first time I heard your first laugh, or see your first smile gave me goose bumps. Each day when I rise up, there you are ready to conquer with love with your great big smile from ear to ear. You give me butterflies and make my heart race. Every outing together stealing the hearts with those bright blue eyes that stops complete strangers in their tracks to tell me how beautiful you are. You are my star that lights up this Earth and will someday do great things! From those hard days at the beginning you screamed at me and told to drop my ego and reminded me that the house duties and work will all still be there when I'm old and wrinkly. So yeah, I get it. You are my teacher and I am constantly learning and listening, as I hope one day you will show the mutual respect to listen to your elders. Love, Mom By: Natasha Baker,CD/PCD(DONA),RYT Photo Credit: 🦋Flutterby Photography 🦋 Are you expecting soon and interested in knowing more about the avenues or TRUTHS about vaccinations, but unsure where to find information? I've enclosed 2 links above for those interested in investing in such a great informational documentary and website that gives you more factual information. I highly encourage parents to do their homework and know the FACTS about vaccinations first hand before you throw out information you know nothing about. Most of those who research know the avenues and consequences of vaccines. We are the ones who educate and advocate for ourselves and family. Just bc a doctor has 'MD' behind his name doesn't mean he/she is any better or smarter in knowing more. It's up to us, otherwise health professionals will try to take the driver seat and sometimes that's not always within our best interest. This country is based on a 'DO WHAT YOUR TOLD' protocol w/out asking more questions. Why? We have a right to CHOOSE and REFUSE! When you watch these researched documentaries you will be mind blown! Also.... Friday September, 29th 2017, my pediatrician, Dr. Omar Cabin from phycinity Pediatrics in North Carolina had revealed and showed me vital documents from the board of pediatrics indicating how harmful the ingredients in vaccines and the cause and culprit of autism, certain illness and even death in the last decade of children. This has not yet been brought it to the general public, but it's coming soon! I hate it when parents freak out AND start saying their kids are at risk being around an un-vaccinated child. Let me just educate those that are unaware, the ones unvaccinated are more at risk from shedding from those who have been recently vaccinated. We have an immune system and it's response is to fight and activate its Natural killer cells our bodies were born to do. We do not need vaccinations. I'm 35, and can count on one hand how many vaccines I received! Why don't I have to get further vaccines, but big pharma and the CDC has said and has added over 50 vaccines to the charts before a child reaches age 2?!! Tell me that!!?! Lastly, why is it that in the last decade we have seen countless raises in autism?!? These things just coincidentally don't happen in high volumes!!! Reports state through the center of pediatrics studies say that the charts of children are developing on time just fine until after later receiving certain volumes of vaccinations... I think we're onto something and the CDC is killing our children slowly! It was said by 2024 that African American male decent would be at higher risk of autism if vaccinated... Its been said that the America's school systems, health insurance companies and other organizations does not know or have the means to know how to care for these vaxxed injured children. Do you know how debilitating that is for a parent to have to quit their job or maybe even care for their son/daughter for life?! Especially when their child was not born delayed until AFTER being vaccinated... I'm sorry but something must be done and if you're too ignorant to realize this you're part of the problem within our society. People shouldn't go around slandering unvaccinated children or EDUCATED parents for researching to want advocate and PROTECT the well being of their children health and wellness. It's innate within us to want what's best for our families. And while I might be a non-vaxxor, that might be your choice and that's ok. But coming from a mother, sister, cousin and friend who have been involved or witness vaccinations injuries it's not fun. You don't know it until you actual lived through it. So to judge someone for their right to choose is wrong. But also, I can't just sit back and keep watching children get hurt. If I can help one less, than so be it. It's those who want to listen to do the extra homework. In the end, you can't slap a label on the value of a person or child's life! There is not enough money or things in this world to replace a life and the love you have for your child. So in whatever you decided, do it in acts of love. Be well. The light within you shines the light with in me, Mamaste! With my deepest gratitude, Natasha Baker,CD/PCD(DONA),RYT (Earthbound CEO) |
AuthorNatasha has 18 years of experience working with birthing and postpartum mothers. She is well versed and rounded with experience in holistic wellness and integrative medicine. Natasha focus is to treat the body as whole instead of a symptom. Archives
February 2025