I had a few very light contractions starting 11ish last night. I had these several times before and nothing ever came of them. They were very irregular and no big deal so I didn't really pay any attention. I did some walking and took a hot bath, etc. Hubby came home from work around 3am and we relaxed and waited to see if they would pick up and then decided to get to bed around 4:15. I couldn't sleep through the contractions but they weren't bad so I went back downstairs and walked. I didn't have any contractions that were intense until around 5:45am, which is when I woke up hubby and asked him to do some timing for me to see if this was 'real' labor. I kept walking around the kitchen and living room because laying down hurt too much. All of a sudden I got nauseous and threw up a few times and had a tiny bit of bloody show. At that point I finally believed I was in labor. Right after that I remember thinking oooh I don't think I can do this! And then 'oh that's a transition thought, but that's impossible because I've only been having real contractions for a little while! Since the pool was taking so long to fill, I decided to head up to the shower. I had a strong contraction on the stairs and all of a sudden felt like I had to poop. I just KNEW it was poop because I hadn't been in labor long enough or hard enough LoL... Well of course I didn't need to poop- as soon as I sat down on the toilet FER kicked in and my body just started pushing her out. My water broke and I stood up and hustled into the shower. I told my hubby that I swore her head was coming. I still didn't believe it. It was too fast. Another quick contraction, and I reached down and felt her crowning and all her hair. I asked hubby for a warm washcloth for perineal support and he ran to get one. He was gone for seconds and another strong contraction came and as he was looking where to apply the washcloth I reached down and used my hand to press on the top for support and I felt the ring of fire for a very brief second then BAM she squirted out into my hubby's hands!!! Thank goodness hubby has quick reflexes!! 7:13am! I gathered her up in shock and held her to my chest, she had no head moulding and instantly cried and was rosy pink and vigorous. I moved to the bed and she latched like a pro and nursed for a long while, and the placenta came out effortlessly about 20-30 mins later. I feel like super woman!! I could not have asked for a better birth, clean up in the shower was a lot easier than if that mess happened in the pool (she pooped right as she came out and of course there was blood everywhere). I am on cloud 9!! Other than moaning loudly through the strongest contractions, I had no issues handling the pain and it was hardly anything at all compared to my other births (all in the hospital).
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AuthorNatasha has 18 years of experience working with birthing and postpartum mothers. She is well versed and rounded with experience in holistic wellness and integrative medicine. Natasha focus is to treat the body as whole instead of a symptom. Archives
February 2025